Adobe Experience Manager
As a Content Manager for the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences you are responsible for collecting, managing, and publishing content.
We’re excited to share a new way to format quotes on academic department websites (and other CAES subsites): the Quote (Plain) option in the Panel component. The Quote (Plain) has a modern look and can be used to feature quotes from current students, alumni, and faculty. For example, you could use this format on a…
Starting on September 1, 2020 connecting to UGA’s VPN will be required in order to access the AEM Author website from remote locations. The AEM Author website will be inaccessible to users who do not first connect to the VPN. Requiring the use of a VPN, or “Virtual Private Network,” is a way to ensure…
Adobe Experience Manager 6.5 Manuals for Content Managers are available for download.
Events that have been previously submitted in the CAES Calendar app can be reviewed and edited by a designated CAES Calendar administrator assigned at the department/unit level.
How do I add an event to the CAES Calendar? Follow these step-by-step instructions to use the CAES Calendar application. Remember, only designated administrators assigned at the department/unit level may post to a specific calendar location on the CAES website.
The CAES Calendar feed is used on the CAES home page, departmental websites and other CAES subsites. See examples of the calendar feed and event detail page.
A quick how-to document for using AEM 6.3. In this document we’ll discuss: Logging in, New URL; Navigating Sites; Navigating Assets; Navigating Between Sites and Assets; Editing Pages; Using Assets on a Page; Working with Components.
For the two weeks prior to the update (July 18-Aug. 3), content managers will not have access to AEM. And while the updates that will be made to our sites are not nearly as complex as when we moved from Contribute to Adobe Experience Manager in 2015, there are some steps that you should complete…
Carefully selected and edited images can add a lot to the visual interest of a web page and creating and linking to PDF files is a great way to share your county-specific information with visitors. Here’s how to get these files uploaded to AEM so you can find them in the Content Finder!
Posted in: Adobe Experience Manager