Cindy Tucker
An upgraded WordPress theme will be applied to individual faculty and Extension WordPress websites over the next few months. New theme features Most of the changes in this theme are “under the hood.” The changes will affect the way you edit your site more than how your site looks. Here are some of the changes:…
This post will cover the two types of CAES personnel profile pages: 1) the Basic Personnel Directory Page and 2) the Detailed Biography Profile Page.
Devoting time to organizing your web content during the planning stages of your website project is time well-spent. We will talk briefly about four organizational techniques that will help you make decisions about how to organize your web content.
Want to upload a profile picture so that it shows up on your county’s contact us page? These are detailed instructions to guide you. (This works for all profiles whether displayed on the CAES or Extension websites!)
Section 508 is an amendment to the United States Workforce Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that is a federal law mandating that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by the federal government be accessible to people with disabilities. If technology can be used as effectively by people with disabilities as by those…
Digital Asset Management is the organization and publishing of digital image and document files from a central content hub. In AEM, files are uploaded into asset folders within the Digital Asset Manager (DAM) and organized and published from there.
As a Content Manager for the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences you are responsible for collecting, managing, and publishing content.
A list of online training courses from LinkedIn Learning recommended by the CAES Office of Information Technology to get you up and running with commonly used software.
Adobe Experience Manager 6.5 Manuals for Content Managers are available for download.
Events that have been previously submitted in the CAES Calendar app can be reviewed and edited by a designated CAES Calendar administrator assigned at the department/unit level.