Take time to use tools offered by UGA Extension to promote your county events. Use suggested steps from the CAES Web Team:

Submit your event to the Extension Calendar

Helpful note

Taking care to enter events correctly on the Extension Master Calendar will ensure that everyone benefits. An event entered once on the Extension Calendar will potentially show up in many places across our UGA Extension web presence, increasing your exposure without much (or any) additional effort on your part!

Create a landing page on your county website

Note that the Extension Master Calendar entry you create can serve as the landing page for your event. However, if the event repeats regularly, you may want to create a landing page on your county website with all the details and official assets, including flyers, agenda, handouts, etc. This way you have a permanent location and URL to promote.

Do not use flyers as images or as content embedded on the landing page because they are not accessible. Instead, choose an image to accompany the text on your web page. Link to flyers as downloadable PDFs.

Camden County Extension's landing web page for their Lunch and Learn event series
Camden County Extension’s landing web page for their Lunch and Learn event series.

Write a blog post

Add a post to your county’s WordPress blog (if you have one) advertising the event and include links and a featured image. This type of post is especially helpful if you use the “Blog Post List” component on your county website or if you send out a newsletter from your county blog.

You can also share blog posts on social media for added exposure.

Highlight events on your county website homepage

There are several options to highlight upcoming events on your county website homepage in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM):

  • Once the event has been added to the Extension Calendar, the “Events List” component will pull the entry onto your homepage.
  • If your county has a blog and you’ve added a post about your event, you can use the “Blog Post List” component to pull it onto the homepage.
  • Feature the event with brief content in a “Rich Text” component, link to the event landing page, and use an eye-catching image (not a flyer) to draw attention. It is a good idea to include a registration button.

Use one of these styles:

Event photo with promotional text and button
Promotional image including limited text (short enough for ALT text) plus short text and button

Need help?

Contact caesweb@uga.edu for assistance with your UGA Extension website.

Extension Events Checklist

Use the Extension Events Guidelines checklist (pdf)* as a guide to plan your event from start to finish. Helpful notes, links and emails are included in this valuable resource for UGA Extension personnel. *UGA login required.