County Impact pages, sometimes called Annual Report pages, contain a collection of information and statistics for each county and its respective program areas. This information allows the county to showcase all they have done for its community in the past year. County Impact report PDFs (image 1a.) are edited by each district office in Canva…
Devoting time to organizing your web content during the planning stages of your website project is time well-spent. We will talk briefly about four organizational techniques that will help you make decisions about how to organize your web content.
Section 508 is an amendment to the United States Workforce Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that is a federal law mandating that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by the federal government be accessible to people with disabilities. If technology can be used as effectively by people with disabilities as by those…
Digital Asset Management is the organization and publishing of digital image and document files from a central content hub. In AEM, files are uploaded into asset folders within the Digital Asset Manager (DAM) and organized and published from there.
As a content manager for the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, you will collect, manage, and publish information to your website.