The article below describes the Office of Information Technology’s fee-based website creation service for grant-funded websites. This service is useful for CAES faculty who need in-depth guidance on aesthetics, accessibility, customization, usability, structure, SEO, and strategy, or who need help making website updates after initial launch.

Wait! Willing to do the work yourself?

If you or a delegate are willing to build out content pages and handle ongoing content updates to your site, our basic (and free!) website service is probably all you need. This service includes initial website setup and basic training. Visit our Request a New WordPress Site article to begin the process.

Getting Started

We love it when faculty talk to us during the grant-writing process! We can help you estimate the work and give you a sense of our current timelines.

To get the conversation started visit our Request a New WordPress Site article, submit a request for a new site, and indicate that yours is a grant-funded project in the description.

OIT starts each project with an initial meeting to assess client’s needs and ensure that the project fits within our service and current workload. Our next step is to prepare a scope of work contract and a bid. OIT bids on grant-funded website projects include a base cost plus work at $105/hour on all deliverables.

See the Services Provided chart below for a comprehensive listing of service options.

How Much Flexibility Do I Have in Designing My Website?

All sites managed by CAES faculty, whether created through OIT or not, are subject to standards for branding (and co-branding), digital accessibility, and content review set in the CAES Web Publishing Guidelines document. Within these guidelines, there is a great deal of flexibility to make beautiful sites!

Services Provided

OIT provides the following fee-based website creation services for grant-funded projects.

Guidance on website structure Determine site hierarchy and navigation; create categories and tags; configure advanced template options.
Content creation and layoutBuild pages; lay out content; develop branding and color schemes; find and apply photos.
SEO guidanceTailored guidance for increasing site visibility and rankings. 
Customized analytics reportingCreate custom metrics and reports of site traffic and user behavior.
Plugins and custom functionality Find or build custom plugins or features; ongoing maintenance. 
Website maintenanceOngoing updates to web content as requested by client. 
Domain name Secure the site’s domain name through a third party.

Have Questions?

Contact the CAES Web Team if you have additional questions about grant-funded website projects.