Designated CAES Calendar administrators assigned at the department/unit level may edit CAES Calendar events they previously submitted. If you are not an administrator and see an update that needs to be made to a calendar event, please contact your department/unit’s web content manager or email for assistance.

Editing an Event

Go to and login with your UGA MYID Username and Password.

Central Authentication Service Login Screen

Click the “Review/edit events” link on the home page.

Use the Search Records form to find the event. Be sure to select “Show All” in the “Approved?” field. Once you have entered search criteria, click the “Search” button to find the event.

Click on the event title to open the CAES Calendar Event Approval/Edit form and make any necessary changes to the entry using the instructions for adding a new event. Once edits are complete, click the “Submit” button.

If the event is set to appear on other calendars, they will have to be re-approved by an administrator before they appear on the other calendars.