Need to edit your website using Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

In order to gain access to edit CAES and UGA Extension websites using Adobe Experience Manager, both the AEM 101 and Web Accessibility Compliance training are required. Schedule your sessions below.

AEM 101: County Websites

*NEW* Self-Paced Course for Counties

Our self-paced AEM 101: County Websites course is entirely flexible to your schedule and provides you with access to a practice county test website. The course is open to new or current content managers. You must complete either this self-paced course or an Instructor-led AEM 101 webinar in order to edit your county website.

Instructor-led Webinar for Counties

Each quarter OIT offers a 2-hour, instructor-led webinar via Zoom that teaches the basics of how to keep your county website updated using the AEM content management system. You must complete either this instructor-led AEM 101 webinar or the self-paced course in order to edit your county website.

AEM 101: CAES Websites

This 2-hour session is designed for CAES academic department, center, program and other non-county UGA Extension web content managers to learn the basics of using Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). This training is offered via Zoom as needed for new content managers. This training is a prerequisite for all CAES and UGA Extension website content managers using AEM.

Contact to schedule a training session.

WordPress 101 Training

During this 1.5-hour webinar, you will learn everything you need to know about requesting, setting up, and editing a WordPress website for your Program Area, County, or Department.

Web Accessibility

Web Accessibility for Website Content Managers

Required for ALL content managers:
This self-paced course is designed to keep website content managers up to date with current website accessibility guidelines to ensure that UGA Extension and CAES websites provide equal access and equal opportunity to people with disabilities.

PDF Accessibility

This training is designed to teach participants best practices for creating PDFs so that they are accessible to audiences with disabilities. We will go over the basics of making the source document accessible, and how to check the PDF’s accessibility features (tags and reading order) in Foxit PDF Editor Pro. Open to CAES and UGA Extension personnel who create and distribute digital PDFs.

Keep Learning!

If you would like to attend an Office of Information Technology instructor-led training via Zoom, please visit the Extension Trainings System to register. Sessions are open to CAES and UGA Extension web content managers. Registration for our sessions is open until the day prior to the training.

Basic SEO Concepts

Learn about search engine optimization (SEO) basics. We will discuss why SEO is important and how to start making your web content connect to the people who search for solutions from CAES and UGA Extension.

Best Practices for Effective Web Pages

This session will cover the fundamentals of creating effective web content that reaches your website’s audience. Get tips on how to make your content memorable and encourage your readers to act.

MailChimp 101

During this webinar, you will learn how to create a newsletter through MailChimp that will automatically send to your list of email recipients. We will also create a Newsletter Sign-up form and add it to your county website and WordPress site.

PDF Flyers – From Print to Web Content

In this training, you will learn skills to transform printable PDF documents into accessible and catchy web content. We encourage you to bring any flyers that you would like to transform into web content on your website.

Using Siteimprove Reports

This session will cover how to use monthly web statistics and quality assurance reports from Siteimprove to evaluate and improve your website content. Get tips on how to target pages where updates will have the most positive effect on your website audience.

Have a question?

Contact for assistance.

Digital Delivery Training

Get training and support on how to efficiently communicate and train across digital platforms.

WordPress Help

Use our WordPress help articles to learn how to modify your website and manage its content.