Did you know that instead of sharing your screen, you can have Zoom display the PowerPoint presentation as a virtual background?

In this post we will walk through the steps on Sharing slides as a Virtual Background

What is a Virtual Background?

First, what exactly is a Virtual Background. A virtual background allows you to display an image or video as your background during a Zoom meeting, which can provide you with more privacy or a consistent and professional look for a presentation. As a PowerPoint presentation is essentially a series of images, with an occasional embedded video), Zoom can set your presentation as a virtual background!

Important note

Sound, transitions, or animations embedded in slides are not supported This includes embedded videos as well


Presenter requirements

Viewer requirements

How to share a presentation as your background

  1. Click on the Share Screen button located in your meeting controls
  2. Click Advanced
  3. Click PowerPoint as background and then Share
Zoom screen share, click advanced, select PowerPoint as background, then Share
  1. Browse to the file location
    • Powerpoints in the example below
  2. Select the file
    • May 2022 – Update Presentation.pptx in the example
  3. Click Open (or double-click the file)
Select powerpoint file and click open


Unlike a screen share, the presentation cannot be open on your computer. Instead, Zoom imports the file and you will control the slides from within Zoom.

  1. Once the presentation has been imported, the PowerPoint will be displayed as your virtual background and your video, if your camera is on, will be projected as an overlay.
May 2022 Agent Update, powerpoint virtual background with camera overlay
Notice how my webcam video is projected (overlayed) directly on top of my presentation.
  1. To navigate, use the arrow keys to move your slides Forward or Backward
Use the left and right arrows to move your powerpoint forward and backward

Further reading

Find more information on Sharing slides as a Virtual Background on Zoom’s website.

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